IBSH upgrade epidemic prevention announcement 20200319








1.麻煩大家配合填寫第三份旅遊史以及居家檢疫(或居家隔離、或自主健康管理)等相關措施的調查表,以便精準地掌握IBSH的數據資料。新的措施是,我們強烈建議大家在學校的期間戴口罩。然而,如果一個班級有五位同學家中有成員正在接受居家檢疫(或居家隔離、或自主健康管理),那麼學校將要求該班師生在校期間戴口罩。煩請各位家長盡速為您的子女準備口罩放在書包裡,以備不時之需。此外,如學生需居家檢疫(或居家隔離、或自主健康管理),期間的病假不會列入年度缺席紀錄。旅遊史表單連結: https://forms.gle/6NsvJugiwa4bRH93A












敬祝   健康順心





Dear IBSH community,


First of all, thank you all for your cooperation on reporting the travel history of your family members. As you may have noticed from the recent CDC reports, the number of confirmed cases in Taiwan has rapidly increased this week, therefore, the NEHS/IBSH Epidemic Prevention Committee has decided to upgrade our prevention protocol starting now.


Here are our decisions from today’s meeting.


1.We kindly request that everyone fill out the travel history survey soon by this weekend regarding home-quarantine, home-isolation, and self-health management so that we have the most accurate data. We strongly recommend all students to wear a mask when at school. However, if there are at least five students in a class who have family members that have just recently returned to Taiwan and need to follow home-quarantine, home-isolation, or self-health management, we will ask that the whole class to wear masks when at school.  Please prepare masks for your child(ren) and ensure that they have enough in their backpack(s). In addition, if a student needs to follow home-quarantine, home-isolation, or self-health management, the sick leave will not be counted into the annual absence record.

Here is the link to the survey: https://forms.gle/6NsvJugiwa4bRH93A


2.The back gate of campus (white gate, next to the back gate guard) will NOT open in the early morning before 8:00 A.M. starting March 23, next Monday. Please drop your child(ren) off at the red gate, which is immediately on the right when turning in from Yuanqu 1st Road (if you’ve reached the Jinshan Temple sign, you’ve gone too far).


3.All visitors and parents must wear a mask when entering the campus, which include parents accompanying child(ren) to school and delivering lunch, effective IMMEDIATELY.

During this period of time, we encourage parents to let students enter the school gates by themselves, which will also help develop their independence.  If parents do enter, they must stop on the first floor. Please do not enter the teaching areas.


4.Everyone needs to measure his/her temperature at home before coming to school. To ensure that there is ample time to measure students’ temperature before entering the classroom, please have your kids arrive at school by 7:50 am. If they arrive later than 8:00 am., they must report to the office first.


5.You may find the latest letter from Principal at https://wuhan.nehs.hc.edu.tw/%E6%A0%A1%E9%95%B7%E7%9A%84%E5%85%AC%E9%96%8B%E4%BF%A1


The spring weather changes rapidly. The spring weather changes rapidly, take care of you and your family by keeping warm and washing hands frequently. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Best regards,

Yichi Chu,

Dean of IBSH