NEHS/IBSH Epidemic Prevention Updated 1100517

Dear IBSH teachers, students and parents:

Thank you for your patience. Due to the increasing epidemic, our school has decided to level up the prevention measures this evening, and it may cause inconvenience to everyone. Please note the effective dates and we thank you for your cooperation during the urgent period of time to ensure the safety of our campus.

NEHS/IBSH Epidemic Prevention Updated 1100517





3. 幼兒園家長接送學生一律使用大門專屬通道,經識別認可後方可進出。

5. 如有疫情顧慮,學生得請「防疫假」,實施原則如下
請家長在家單的理由欄填寫防疫假」,簽名之後以電郵方式寄到: 由專人收件。

(3) 防疫假申請以為單位,至多可請假至528日。

(6) 防疫假不列入學生出缺勤紀錄、亦不影響其成績評量。

(7) 配合新竹市政府宣布九、十二年級學生可不到校上課之規定,目前學校沒有停課學生可依防疫假規定向學校提出申請。

6. 放學門禁措施


7. 如政府規定本校須停課時,另行公告因應措施。


To respond to the increasing epidemic, here are some new measures for epidemic prevention and start from tomorrow (May 18th ) to May 28th .


1.     Everyone must wear a mask at all times on campus, P.E. class and recess time are included.

2.     School will not open to the public, which include parents accompanying child(ren) to school and delivering lunch, effective on Wednesday (May 19th ).

Parents who deliver the lunch to the student may put the lunch box in the small room next to the Guard Office in the main gate.

3.     NEHS Pre-School parents may accompany your child(ren) to the NEHS Pre-School building by showing identification card and use the designated path.

4.     All after school activities are closed. Gr. 1-2 After School programs, Gr. 3-6 After school clubs, Gr. 7-12 club activities and School sport teams will be closed from May 18 to May 28.

5.     Students may take “Epidemic Prevention Off” with the following procedures from now to May 28th :

A.    Due to safety reason, the “Epidemic Prevention Off” mast applied by parents with paper application. Parents may find the “Leave form” at this link.

B.    Please write down “Epidemic Prevention Off (防疫假)” in the reason column and have your signature on the form. The please email the Leave Form to Ms. Lynn Lo at:

C.     The “Epidemic Prevention Off” should be applied by daily base and students may apply the off day to May 28th .

D.    School will provide learning materials for the absentee to self study at home.

E.     Students who take the “Epidemic Prevention Off” should stay at home and not come to school.

F.     The “Epidemic Prevention Off” will not count into the absent records, and not affect academic grade either.

G.    The Hsinchu Government announced that Gr. 9 and 12 students may not come to school. Gr. 9 and 12 students may apply “Epidemic Prevention Off” with such a need.

6.     School only open main gate and white gate in the back entrance during dismissal.

Black gate (the path to the Sky bridge of the Jie-Shou Road) and the culvert will be closed. Parents please wait outside the entrances.

7.     School will make further announcement if the M.O.E. announce to close schools.


Thank you for your patience and cooperation.


Best regards,

Yichi Chu

Dean of IBSH