
Updates on Digital Learning Literacy Guidelines for Parents (From MOE)

The Ministry of Education has updated the definitions related to digital literacy in the "Digital Learning Literacy Guidelines for Parents"." Over the past year, an in-depth analysis was conducted on "the ability to absorb and distinguish between true and false information" by reviewing recent international literature and digital teaching guidelines from various countries. Based on this analysis, the four key aspects of digital literacy have been revised, with additional subcategories added.
Attached are the files. 

教育部已更新中小學「家長數位學習知能指引」 中關於數位素養的相關定義,綜整最近一年國際文獻及各國訂定相關之數位教學指引,進行「真假資訊的吸收與辨別能力」的內涵分析後,更新旨揭各本指引有關「數位素養」4項主軸的內涵與增訂子項。
