2024-2025 School Year Administrators and Assistants |
Principal (Mr. Charles Chang Chien) 張簡瑞璨校長 ext. 201, Responsible to the Ministry of Education and the National Science Council |
* Teacher Recruiting * School-wide Faculty Meetings * Teacher/Staff Evaluation * Professional Leadership |
* Staff management * Finance and Asset Management * Strategic management * Public Relationship Management |
Dean (Ms. Jess Cheng) 鄭維欣主任 ext. 6100,, | |||
* Teacher Recruiting
* Teacher/Staff Evaluation
* Department Policy and Administration
* Teacher Assignment
* Faculty Meeting
Academics Office |
Academic Affairs Director (Ms. Casey Feng) 教務組─馮毓琪組長 ext. 6101, | |||
* Teaching Performance Evaluation
* Textbook (Teacher’s Edition) Selection
* Professional Development
* Graduation Requirements
* Curriculum
* Coordinate the Curriculum Review Cycle
Academic Planning Coordinator (Ms. Crystal Wu) 課務組─吳思醇組長 ext. 6102, |
Educational R&D Coordinator (Ms. Fanyu Kong) 實驗研究組─孔繁妤組長 ext. 6106, |
* Scheduling (Students, Teachers, Testing)
* Academic Electives
* Official Substitutes Arrangement
* Math and English Honors Options
* AP Coordinator
* Chinese and CSS Class Transfer
* Workshop Arrangement for Teachers
* Model United Nations
* Academic Competition and Fairs
* Academic Subject Field Trip
Registrar (Ms. Savannah Lee) 註冊組─李慧中組長 ext. 6103, |
Teaching Materials and Equipment Coordinator (Ms. Peggy Wu) 設備組─吳珮蓁組長 ext. 6105, |
* Student Enrollment Procedures
* Registration
* Transferring School
* Scholarship
* Grading Policies
* Graduation Requirements
* Textbooks and Teaching Resource
* Equipment Budget Administering
* Classroom Arrangement
* School Facilities
* Classroom and Lab Equipments
* Supervisor of Resource
Western Teachers' Liaison (Mr. Eduard Liu) 外籍教師事務組─劉宗岳組長 ext. 6107, |
Information & Technology Coordinator (Ms. Maggie Lin) 資訊組─林芷均組長 ext. 6207, |
* Western Teachers’ Affair
* MOE and School-wide (NEHS) Policy Translation for Western Teachers
* Administering Western Teachers’ Documents and Reimbursement (ARC, visa and etc.)
* Assistance of Western Teachers’ Apartment Management
* Computer Technology Consultant
* Computer Workshop Coordinator
* IBSH Website Maintaintenance
Academics staff (Ms. Cathy Huang) |
Teaching and Learning Coordinator (Mr. James Ro) |
* Assistant for Academics Section
* Students Records & Student’s ID Card
* Major Test Papers Management
* Students Enrollment and Transferring
* Students Transcript and Report Card
* Arrange and provide PD for teachers in conjunction with the Curriculum Review Cycle: alignment to standards and creation of curriculum maps and common assessments.
* Communicate with and train Incoming teachers on adopting curriculum standards and common assessments.
* Write Curriculum Policies; design and ensure congruence of procedures, templates, and expectations for teachers.
Ministry of Education Project Manager (Mr. Peter Wang) 高中職均質化及自主共好新竹區計畫總召集學校專案助理─王品中先生 ext. 6109, |
Academics Staff (Mr. Bryce Su) |
* Project Coordination of Hsinchu Wide High Schools
* Project connection with the Central Office of Ministry of Education
* Assistant to Teaching Materials and Equipment Section
* Science Lab Manager
* Teaching Material Purchasing Management
* Student Chinese-Textbooks Management
* School Property Management
IT assistant (Mr. Alen Huang) 資訊駐點人員-黃成正先生 ext. 6211 |
Aademics Staff (Mr. Hugo Huang) 設備組助理─黃瑞星先生 ext. 6111 |
Student Affairs Office |
Student Affairs Director (Mr. Ricky Wu) 學務組─吳俊賢組長 ext. 6201, | |||
* Homeroom Teacher Duties
* Homeroom Teacher Meetings Arrangement
* Homeroom Teacher Evaluation
* Major School-wide Events & Ceremony
* Students’ Weekly Meeting Activities
* Community Service
Student Clubs & Activities Coordinator (Mr. Owen Wu) 活動組─吳文龍組長 ext. 6204, |
Elementary Disciplinarian and Activities Coordinator (Mr. Johan Prinsloo) 國小生輔暨活動組─ 蔣漢組長, ext. 6203 |
* Club Supervision and Evaluation
* Student Events
* School-wide Events
* After School Programs
* Field Trips /Grad. Trip
* School Publications
* Students Discipline of Gr. 1-6
* Gr. 6 English Teacher
* Gr.1-5 Character Education
* Gr. 1-5 Monthly Assembly Announcements
Disciplinary (Mr. Kevin Hsieh) 生輔組─謝易呈組長ext. 6202, |
Elementary Disciplinarian and Activities Coordinator (Ms. Han-Yun Chiang) 體育組─江函芸組長 ext. 6205, |
* Students Discipline of Gr. 6-12
* Weekly Assembly/Flag Ceremony
* Uniforms/Dress Code
* Teacher Monitor Duties
* Conduct Grading System
* Dorm Students’ Care
* PE Activities and Contests
* School Sports Team Management
* School Field Day Activities
Sanitation Coordinator (Ms. Lucy Tsai) 衛生組─蔡佩津組長 ext. 6206, |
Student Affair Assistant (Ms. Lynn Lo) 學生事務助理─羅曉霖小姐 ext. 6210, |
* Sanitation Arrangement and Clean-up Tools
* Recycling Management and Supervision
* Weekly Classroom Cleanliness Evaluation
* Student Inoculation and Physical Examination
* Assistant for Student Affairs Section
* Students Attendance Records
* Department Mails Delivery
* Students Insurance
Disciplinary Assistant (Mr. Ray Chiu) 學務創新人員─邱昌瑞 ext. 6208 |
Disciplinary Assistant (Mr. Joseph Wang) 學務創新人員─王約瑟先生 ext. 6209, |
* Students Attendance
* Assistant to Student Affairs, Disciplinary
* Traffic Safety Duties
* Traffic Monitor Duties
* Students Attendance
* Assistant to Student Affairs, Disciplinary
* Campus Security Report
* Dorm Students' Care
Guidance Office |
Director of Guidance (Ms. Joyce Wu) 輔導組─吳宥蓉組長 ext. 6301, | |||
* New Students Orientation
* Standard testing Supervision
* Intraschool Transfer Consultation
* Parental Guidance Conference
* HRTs’ Student Individual conference guidance
* New Student Adjustment Assessment
* Reporting to Social Welfare and Child Protection
High-School & College Adviser (Ms. Hannah Rash) 國外大學入學申請之輔導教師─樂涵娜老師 ext. 6304 | |||
* Guidance Classes of Gr.10-12
* College Placement Counseling
* College Visits
* Providing Naviance / College Board / Relevant Information
* College Night
* College Admission Process Guiding
* Student/Parents Counseling on College Application
Middle School Counselor (Ms. Lan Nguyen) 國中輔導老師-阮清蘭老師 ext. 6303 | |||
* Guidance Classes of Gr.6-9
* Student Support Case Referrals
* Parental Guidance Conference
* Course Selection Guidance
* Gr.6-9 Guidance Counselor
* New Student Interview and Adjustment Assessment
* Theme-based Small Group Counseling
Elementary Counselor (Mr. Greisy Tellez), 國小輔導老師-邰葵思老師 ext. 6302 |
* Guidance Classes of Gr.1-5
* Student Support Case Referrals
* Parental Guidance Conference
* Gr.1-5 Guidance Counselor
* New Student Interview and Adjustment Assessment
Learning Support Teacher (Ms. Maggie Hu) 特殊教育老師 胡曼琪老師 ext. 6307 |
* Special Education Coordinator
* Individual Education Plan Coordinator
* Provide support to students who need learning support.
English as an Additional Language (EAL) Specialist (Mrs. Jessica Wang)- 英語教學教師 顏春玉教師 ext. 6308 |
* Language immersion faciliation
* Diverse lnaguage skills enhancement
* EAL advocacy
* Inclusive teaching collaboration
* Standardized test coordination
* English language proficiency assessment
Guidance Assistant (Mr. Sean Lo), 學生輔導工作助理 - 羅聖錫先生 ext. 6305 |
* Guidance Documentation
* Student Service Notes Deliverer
* College Counseling Events Support
* Guidance Events Support
2024-2025 Teacher's email and directory
(Log in with the school account to read the information.)
IBSH 2022-23 Faculty Group Photo