
PowerSchool Q&A

How to sign in to PowerSchool public(parent/student) portal?
如何登入PowerSchool public (parent/student)頁面呢?
Please refer to the following tutorials. One is for middle/high school and the other is for elementary school.
How to navigate the PowerSchool public(parent/student) portal?
如何使用PowerSchool public (parent/student)頁面呢?
Please refer to the following tutorials. One is for middle/high school and the other is for elementary school.

PowerSchool 頁面中「Attendance history」的「A」跟「S」等等代碼分別是甚麼意思?

What do A, S, and other attendance codes mean on the “Attendance history” page?

Code descriptions for all attendance codes can be found at the bottom of the  “Attendance history” page - make sure to scroll to the very bottom.  
Attendance Codes: Blank=Present | A=Absent | PE=Personal | S=Sick | F=Funeral | O=Official | T=Tardy | AT=Assembly | MA=Morning Absent |  NA=Noon Absent | Absent |

在 PowerSchool 之「Attendance history」裡,公假(O),事假 (PE),病假(S)有正確標示,但是在 "Grade and Attendance" 卻全部變成缺席(A)? 

In “Attendance history,” the reasons for being absent are clearly defined as O (official), PE (personal),  and S (sick), but under “Grade and  Attendance,” it only shows A (absent).  Why is that?


「Grade and Attendance」彙整頁面部分是系統設定,Absences 中的缺席(A)就會包含所有情況的缺席:事假、病假、公假、曠課、 喪假。點進去數字即可看到缺席原因,例如:PE(事假)、S(病假)、O(公假)、A(缺席)、F(喪假)等。 

The “Grade and Attendance” page is programmed to list all absences as the  symbol “A.” You will need to click on the number of absences to open a small window, which will have more detailed information. Ex: O (official), PE (personal), S (sick), A (absent), and F (funeral)).


早上八點,學生至學務處填寫 TARDY FORM 後,PowerSchool上面的「Morning Quiet Time(早修)」會改成 tardy 嗎? 

In the morning, if students go directly to the Student Affairs Office to fill out a tardy form after 8:00 am, will anyone change the Morning Quiet Time status from absent to tardy?


如果學生在8:00之後到校,代表他們的 「Morning Quiet Time (早修7:40-8:00)」是未到的,所以記錄會是「MQT=A」。不論學生是否填 TARDY FORM,我們都不會修改老師的點名紀錄。因為我們 MQT 的記錄最主要是讓導師及學校確實掌握學生是否已到校的記錄,學期末並不會紀錄在 REPORT CARD上面喔!

No. If students arrive at school after  8:00 am, that means they were absent during the 7:40-8:00 am (Morning Quiet Time) period. Therefore, we will not change the attendance taken by the teacher,  regardless of whether a tardy form is filled out or not. The main purpose of MQT records is for homeroom teachers and the school to confirm whether students have arrived at school. The MQT record will not be included on the report card.


「Morning Quiet Time(早修)」、「Noon Quiet Time(午點名)」或課堂被記 A 或 T 的可否消除呢?

Can I correct “Morning Quiet Time,” “Noon Quiet Time,” and/or class absent or tardy record(s)?


「Morning Quiet Time(早修)」不需補請假,學期末亦不會顯示在任何的 REPORT 上。此紀錄僅供家長參考。「Noon Quiet Time(午點名)」及課堂若需要更改標記,請依請假規定辦理申請。 

It depends. You cannot correct the “Morning Quiet Time” absence or tardy record. It will not be included on the report card and is only for the school and parents’ reference only. 

For other absences and/or tardy records  (“Noon Quiet Time” and/or class absences/tardies), just apply for leave according to the regulations.



What should I do to correct the absent/tardy record(s) for attending official events for Morning Quiet Time and/or Noon Quiet Time?



Please ask the related supervisor(s) to confirm student(s)’ attendance at that/those event(s) with the office so that those absent/tardy records can be corrected.


我已打電話、e-mail 告知病假或事假, 為何PowerSchool上還是被標記 A ?

How come I’m still being marked absent on PowerSchool even though I  already called or emailed the school about my sick/personal leave?



Calling or emailing to ask for leave is only part of the procedure. Students need to fill in the leave form and turn it in within three days of returning to school for it to count as complete. Until the hard copy of the “Leave of Absence” application form is turned in, the absent/tardy record will remain.



Can I still apply for personal and/or sick leave if more than three days have passed since returning to school?




According to the school’s “Leave of Absence” regulations, there are two steps that must be taken to be granted an excused absence. As we are transitioning to PowerSchool, please do not use iSchool to notify the school. 

  1. You must first notify the school (via phone or email) before 8:00 am on the day of absence. 

  2. Within three days of returning to school,  you must turn in the “Leave of Absence” application. 

Please note that application for sick and personal leave is only for the current semester, and the school will not accept applications for leave from previous semesters.