
12歲至18歲青少年免付費之談心諮詢專線Free counseling and support hotline for adolescents aged 12 to 18.

專線係由專業人員提供12歲至18歲青少年免付費之談心諮詢專線,服務時間為每週二至週六下午4時30分至7時30分,非服務時間亦可至LINE官方帳號留言(LINE@線上諮ID: @youthplus_cwlf),歡迎校方轉介有需求之學生使用該專線服務。

This hotline provides free counseling and support for adolescents aged 12 to 18, offered by professional staff. Service hours are from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM, Tuesday through Saturday. Outside of these hours, you can leave a message on the official LINE account (LINE@ ID: @youthplus_cwlf). Schools are encouraged to refer students in need to this hotline service.

