
Dean's Letter: IBSH Updates on March


感謝您自開學以來,配合學校的防疫措施。 這兩週,到校量測體溫以及課室消毒的防疫工作都執行得很順暢,我們要特別感謝導師的辛勞, 以及家長會及各班家長在額溫計及相關防疫物資上的支援。

受到疫情的影響,入境管制措施也更加嚴峻,國教署要求學校進一步掌握學生的旅遊史,在此有 一份問卷須要大家的填寫與配合;此外,學校也有諸多活動受到影響,藉此也向大家特別明。

  1. 請家長配合提供學生21日至229日的旅遊史紀錄,並於312日前完成問卷填寫,感謝大家 的配合。問卷連結:https://forms.gle/i2R1r6J7e5iyYJ4q9
  2. 受疫情影響,教育部指示各級學校3-4月的大型活動及集會,需延期或取消辦理。因此,原訂辦 理的校慶及校外教學活動,調整如下:
  • 第三十七屆校慶活動取消辦理,只有資深教師表揚典禮改採簡單形式進行
  • 六年級畢業校外教學改至68-9日辦理
  • 七八年級露營活動改至68-9日辦理
  • 九及十二年級畢業校外教學改至63-5日辦理
  • WASC期中訪視延期至下學期辦理

本學期雙語部行事曆請大家參看網站連結:http://www.ibsh.tw/p/412-1001-92.php 惟,所有活動可能會因疫情的發展隨時有調整,相關訊息我們會公告在學校網站,感謝大家的體 諒與包涵。

  1. 314日的SAT考試,受疫情影響,參加考試的人數僅31人,全部都是台灣區的學生。 相關的防疫措施,輔導室已公布在本校網站,http://ibsh.tw/p/406-1001-381,r16.php 請大家務必配合。考試的相關訊息,也請密切專注本校網站的公告。
  2. 開學以來,除了防疫工作,學校也展開線上教學的相關研習與規劃工作。我們希望校園感染與 停課的狀況不會發生,然而相關的措施我們仍需要事前預先規劃。目前我們是朝向不延長學期時 間,以至少八成線上教學配合實體補課(午休補課,第八節補課,週末補課)的做法,研擬各學科的 停課補課計畫。相關計畫完成之後,我們會進一步調每個學生家庭能配合實施的情況與需求。
  3. 雖然開學即將屆滿兩週,然而我們仍不能懈怠防疫的措施。請您繼續配合我們,每日出門前為 孩子量測體溫,孩子如果發燒,請盡快就醫不要到校上學,並請電話通知學校請假事宜。孩子如 果有過敏或呼吸道症狀,也請就醫治療並於在校期間戴口罩,保護自己也保護別人。





Dear IBSH parents:

I hope you are all doing well and adjusting to the new normal as we begin our second semester. .

First of all, I would like to thank all of the parents for your assistance and support in following the epidemic prevention protocols from our school. Over the first two weeks, I have especially appreciated all the homeroom teachers checking every student’s body temperature before entering the classroom and their supervision of disinfection clean-up work everyday. I also want to give a big thank you to our IBSH PTA and homeroom parents for your generosity in providing head thermometers and related materials.

Due to the epidemic spreading widely and rapidly, more and more countries being affected, the Ministry of Education has requested that our school collect further information regarding travel history from our students. Therefore, I will send an additional travel history survey to you with this letter. Please submit the survey by March 12 (Thursday). Thank you very much for your cooperation. In addition, many large assemblies and activities scheduled in March and April have been postponed or cancelled according to M.O.E. mandate. You may find the updated information below or on our school website.

  1. Please fill out the additional most recent travel history survey (February records) by March 12 (Thursday). https://forms.gle/i2R1r6J7e5iyYJ4q9
  2. The following events are cancelled or postponed to the dates given below:
    • The 37th School anniversary celebration ceremony and activities are cancelled. A small scale ceremony will be held to recognize teachers for their years of experience at NEHS.
    • Gr.6 graduation trip has been postponed to June 8-9.
    • Gr. 7-8 camping has been postponed to June 8-9.
    • Gr. 9 and12 graduation trip has been postponed to June 3-5.
    • WASC mid-cycle visiting has been postponed to next semester.

More information about activities and related information may be found at: http://www.ibsh.tw/p/412-1001-92.php

The calendar is flexible and may be modified anytime due to the epidemic, we will post any updated information on our school website. Thank you for your understanding.

  1. Due to the epidemic, there are only 31 students participating in the SAT test on March 14, all of whom live in Taiwan. We have announced the COVID-19 prevention protocol that will be in use that day on our website at: http://ibsh.tw/p/406-1001-381,r16.php Thank you for your cooperation. Any updated information about the SAT, we will be posted on our school website.
  2. According to the policy of the M.O.E., if there are two confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our school, we must shut down the entire school for two weeks. We must provide instruction for our students to make up for the loss of in-school classes. When we began the second semester, we provided some “online instruction” professional development for our teachers. We are still working on finalizing our proposal for this online instruction project and we may survey the needs of our community regarding online instruction. Our current plan is to provide at least 80% online instruction and up to 20% of in-class instruction (use noon quiet time, the 8th period, or weekends) , therefore, we will not need to extend our semester if school must shut down for 2 weeks. After we complete the plan, we will announce our online instruction plan to every family and also will need you to take a survey for us to know whether the family’s devices will be able to support our plan for online instruction learning at home.
  3. It’s been almost two weeks since school opened, however we cannot lighten up on our epidemic prevention work. Please continually measure your child(ren)’s body temperature before bringing them to school. If your child has a fever, please stay at home and see a doctor as quickly as possible. If he/she needs to take a sickness leave, please call our school at 03-5777011 ext.298 in the early morning. If your child has symptoms of allergy or respiratory discomfort, please have her or him wear a mask at school to protect himself/herself , and also have the child see a doctor as soon as possible.

Again,I want to thank everyone for your cooperation regarding the epidemic and we hope that every family stays well and healthy.


Best regards,

Yichi Chu

Dean of IBSH


